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Why our smart city future is mobile (and how to do it right)

Submitted by jesse_berst on June 25, 2013

This recommended reading from the Huffington Post by John Tippett recounts efforts by the Grameen Foundation to build mobile applications for the developing world. I think it has a couple of important reminders. The first is that the future is in mobile applications. Yes, every city has to have online portals and online applications. But that's for today. For tomorrow, every city will have to deliver its services via mobile applications.

The second reminder: Mobile apps work best when they are an extension of a human system. They are less successful when they are nothing but the face to a computer system with no humans involved. -- Jesse Berst

Jesse Berst is the founding Chairman of the Smart Cities Council. Click to subscribe to SmartCitiesNow, the weekly newsletter highlighting smart city trends, technologies and techniques.

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