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Water Technology: Three keys to faster infrastructure improvements

Submitted by scc staff on June 20, 2014

Water Technology magazine features an article by Council Chairman Jesse Berst on the infrastructure challenges that cities face today and three ideas that can help accelerate infrastructure improvements. Below is an excerpt from the article, which you can read in its entirety here.

The infrastructure challenge is certainly not unique to America. As chairman of the Smart Cities Council, I talk with municipal officials from around the world who are twisting and turning the Rubik’s cube of infrastructure improvements.

They understand what’s broken. For instance, they know that shrinking resources aren't keeping pace with growing populations. They experience the political barriers that thwart sewage plant upgrades, energy conservation programs and citywide Wi-Fi attempts. And, they see that government authorities, or bond measures floated on the local ballot, are unreliable sources of public works funding.

On the plus side, city officials are becoming aware of new information and communications technologies (ICT) that enable “smart” solutions to streamline operations and deliver digital government. Many of these technologies have a rapid payback. They can literally increase capabilities while also lowering costs.