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The Smart Cities Leader

Submitted by Adam Beck on January 3, 2020
Smart Cities Council Australia New Zealand is the region's leading authority in smart cities. 

As a member-based industry body we dedicate our time to helping catalyse action and investment in technology and data solutions.

Our mission is clear - we envision a world where technology and data have been harnessed to create smart, sustainable cities and communities with high-quality living and high-quality jobs.

Our work is guided by the direction set within the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are purpose-driven, measureable we firmly believe that technology and data can help commuinties accelerate the outcomes expressed by the SDG's.

Our activities are structured under four key pillars - Inform, Educate, Convene and Advocate.

Our regional leadership team has representatives in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. They are:

We are building a smart cities movement. Join us.