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How to get more out of your existing water system

Submitted by jesse_berst on July 12, 2013

Many (most?) North American water utilities face severe challenges. Their infrastructure dates back to the 1940s or earlier. Their budgets are down. And they are faced with scarcity issues in the next few years.

GE's Terry Biederman has written a short but thorough blog detailing how technology can solve this conundrum. By retrofitting legacy equipment with sensors, you can extend its life for a few thousand dollars instead of a few tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands (the cost to upgrade or replace). Today's smart water networks can measure and monitor the actual health of equipment, rather than relying on guesses, probability schedules or manual inspections.

And there's more from Terry, who walks you through the possibilities start to finish. If you are looking for a simple summary to hand to a manager or a city council member, here it is. -- Jesse Berst


 Jesse Berst is the founding Chairman of the Smart Cities Council. Click to subscribe to SmartCitiesNow, the weekly newsletter highlighting smart city trends, technologies and techniques.