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8 Spanish cities cut energy consumption by 64% with smart street lighting

Submitted by scc staff on February 13, 2015

Eight Spanish cities reduced their electricity consumption by 64% and saved over 4,300 tonnes of C02 in 2014, thanks to efficient street lighting systems and technologies that both cut costs and benefit the environment.

According to Council Lead Partner Enel, its two companies -- Enel Sole and Endesa –- enabled the towns of Alcázares (Murcia), Móstoles (Madrid), Batea (Tarragona), Manacor (Balearic Islands) and the Andalusian towns of Vélez Rubio (Almería), Pruna (Seville), Écija (Seville) and Almodóvar del Río (Córdoba) to reduce energy consumption and cut public expenditures.

The technology rolled out by the companies is based on the use of efficient lights with smart controls fitted at every lighting point. This, they explain, improves lighting quality and leads to significant energy savings. The life span of the lighting module is also extended to over 60,000 hours, while the lighting network gains flexibility as each street light can be programmed independently.

These projects help local councils to drive up energy efficiency, cut CO2 emissions, and increase the availability of street lighting as faults can be detected in real time.

Providing jobs
Another benefit of the lighting work has been that the projects involved the hiring of local labor to carry out installation and maintenance work, contributing to regional development.

And those eight cities have company. 

Enel’s public lighting projects have led their companies to install some 183,250 Archilede LED devices in more than 1,600 towns between 2009 and 2014, enabling an overall energy saving of around 111 gigawatt-hours.

Enel's lighting successes are featured in the new Smart Street Lighting 101 eBooklet published by the Council. It is available at no charge to registered members of the Council; click here to complete a free, one-time registration. Once you do, you'll have immediate access to all of the premium content on the site, from eBooks to the Apps Gallery.