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Dr. Abdulwasih Abdur-Rahim is a Doctorate Degree holder in Business Administration from a reputable UK University. He started his career right after his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering (B.Engr.) in 1997. As he progressed in his career, after working for several years in Telecommunication, IT, and Oil & Gas industries, and due to his passion and pursuit of personal development in both academic and career. He pursued advance degree in Business and earned Master’s degree in the field of Business Administration. Setting a balance for himself, since he came from a pure Engineering background.

With over 26 years of experience as an ICT professional and highly esteemed academic achiever. Dr. Abdulwasih worked and acquired experiences in various verticals over the years, such as Telecoms, Oil and Gas, Banking, and IT/Digital Native domains. As a Program Director, Dr. Abdulwasih manages the delivery of customer engagements, mainly on the large-scale integration and smart city programs/projects. As a scholar practitioner, my research interest is in sustainability and circular economy.

Dr. Abdulwasih Abdur-Rahim