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The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is responsible for creating thriving environments, communities and economies for the people of NSW.

The Department is made up of specialist divisions that work together across planning, infrastructure, the environment, natural resources, energy and strategy to deliver sustainable water resource and environment management, secure our energy supply, oversee our planning system, maximise community benefit from government land and property, and create the conditions for a prosperous state.

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is home to the Smart Places team, which works across Government and with all stakeholders to strive for a consistent, seamless, place-based approach to deploying technology. The team leads delivery of the NSW Smart Places Strategy Action Plan.

The Department is committed to working with local communities, relevant stakeholders and other government agencies to deliver great outcomes for the citizens of NSW. We strive to be a high-performing, world-class public service organisation that celebrates and reflects the full diversity of the community we serve and seeks to embed Aboriginal cultural awareness and knowledge in everything we do.