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FrontierSI is a not-for-profit company that was established in 2018 following 16 years of operations as the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI); and we provide the connection point, partnerships, trusted collaborative model and expertise to deliver high impact solutions to complex, multi-stakeholder challenges.

The purpose of FrontierSI is to accelerate the Spatial Industry in Australia New Zealand to deliver economic growth and improved environmental and social well-being. We aim to be the organisation of choice to lead transformational spatial research and innovation in Australia and New Zealand.

FrontierSI boasts 35 space and spatial experts comprising Geodesy, Researchers, Positioning Engineers, Research Associates, Software Developers, Astrophysicists, and Science Leaders, through to remote sensing Technical Experts, Innovation & Commercialisation teams, and Business and Market Analysts. We work with a wide range of partners to assist government and industry to innovate new and improved services.

We do this by collaborating with our partners to transform research outcomes into meaningful change, influence new public data access policies, and contribute to major national and international initiatives. From agriculture and defence to health, climate change and the built environment, we have realised tangible benefits for our partners. Our rigorous process leads partners and clients through the research, development, and strategic planning process, minimising the risks while maximising the benefits of innovation. Together we ask the right questions, deliver excellent results, and collaborate for success.
