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It's time to take action, together.

Everyone, by the Smart Cities Council, is the largest global member organisation championing the use of science, data, technology, and engineering to enable a safer, more activated, beautiful, sustainable world now for the future.

For 12 years, the Smart Cities Council has been a trusted, neutral, global advisor for people, places and projects.

We are about people, planet and beyond - not just data and technology. We are of Everyone, by Everyone and for Everyone - past, present and future, not just today’s fortunate elite.

We take decisive action that has a positive, long-lasting, self-perpetuating impact. We don’t just talk. We uniquely connect, enable and inspire others to do the same.

We believe there are no competitors in the pursuit of our vision, only collaborators, because everyone benefits when everyone works together.

Join us as we flip the switch and take a stand for our collective future because smart isn’t just for cities, it’s for everyone.

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