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StateScoop: How Santa Clara uses IoT, open data to tackle NFL invasion

Submitted by scc staff on October 5, 2015

In a session at Smart Cities Week® held September, 2015 in Washington, D.C., Santa Clara, California Chief Information Officer Gaurav Garg explained how his city applied IT strategies to manage the massive crowds that came with an NFL team's move to the city's stadium. Below is an excerpt; click here to read Alex Koma's full article in StateScoop.

"Handling the massive demands of a National Football League game is still a pretty new civic challenge for city staff in Santa Clara, California.

When the San Francisco 49ers moved into their new home in Levi’s Stadium for the start of the 2014 season, city IT leaders immediately started to think about how they could start pitching in to ease the congestion and chaos created by the sudden influx of football fans.

Now, one week into the 2015 season, Chief Information Officer Gaurav Garg believes his department has hammered out the strategies it needs to help game days go off without a hitch.

With up to 76,000 fans heading to the area for each game — a number that represents more than half of Santa Clara’s population of just over 120,000 residents — the city quickly realized it needed to get a handle on fan behavior, Garg noted at a panel at the Smart Cities Council’s “Smart Cities Week” conference Tuesday."