Projects need collaborative, multi-stakeholder engagement to be SUCCESFUL
The Smart Cities Council acts as a vendor neutral resource to 'convert knowledge to action.' Designed around the principles of cities helping cities, design and Agile thinking, the Smart Cities Council Collaborative Engagement sessions are providing opportunities for cities to learn from each other and from sector innovators and solution providers in an interactive non-sales environment. We accomplish this by:
- Assisting cities organzie stakeholders, identify drivers or needs and collect what we call Community Stories (use cases for technical folks.)
- Organzing information through our online collaborative platform called 'Smart Cities Activator'
- Inviting other cities with similar needs to partcipate.
- Each city gets it's own project template that it can localize in its own workspace confidentially and at no cost
- Cities can see what other cities are planning (if the planning city agrees) in Actvator Exchange
Start your collaborative project NOW!
If you are a city, apply to the 2021 Readiness Challenge (applications accepted every calendar quarter.)
If you are a city, apply to open an account on Smart Cities Activator.
If you are nonprofit oriented towards helping cities, contact us to produce your programs through Smart Cities Activator.
If you are a solution providers, please contact us to join the Council.
Thanks to Activator, you can now work together on multiple projects with multiple people in multiple locations and time zones. Any changes to any plan are seen instantly by all other team members, regardless of location.
Activator Plan: Provides collaborative project planning guides in over 150 languages
Activator Exchange: Learn what other cities are planning globally