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Join SCC and get exclusive member benefits, including our newsletter and premium content

Submitted by jdekeles on May 25, 2012


Register to join Smart Cities Council for free and get our exclusive Smart Cities Readiness Guide, Smart Cities Open Data Guide, Smart Cities Financing Guide, our new Smart Street Lighting 101 eBooklet, access to the Apps Gallery and more. You'll also receive our weekly SmartCitiesNow digital newsletter.

Learn more about premium content available only to registered members:

Our Smart Cities Readiness Guide is the first comprehensive, vendor-neutral smart city handbook for city leaders and planners. It was designed with input from some of the world's foremost experts on smart cities as well as top global technology companies.

NEW! Smart Street Lighting 101 is packed with useful information and brief case studies highlighting the benefits cities are accruing as they switch to LEDs and move to integrated street light networks that can serve as a backbone for other smart city applications.

The Smart Cities Open Data Guide highlights lessons learned and best practices from open data initiatives around the world and provides city leaders and staff tools, resources and advice for creatin g a data driven city. 

The Smart Cities Financing Guide, developed for the Council by the Center for Urban Innovation at Arizona State University, provides detailed, expert analysis of 28 municipal finance tools for city leaders investing in the future.

The brand new Smart Cities Apps Gallery is the web's most comprehensive collection of smartphone apps developed by and for cities around the world. You'll find plenty of ideas to borrow for your city.

Our Smart Cities: Best of the Best eBook is loaded with city rankings, hot spots and predictions and it's available only to registered members of the Smart Cities Council.  

When you register, you'll enjoy a number of benefits, including:

    • Access to premium, members-only resources, including the ones highlighted above, on the Smart Cities Council website
    • Reduced fees to SCC-sponsored events
    • A free weekly newsletter that highlights smart city tools, case studies and trends

SCC Register Now

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